Working on the system

I’m on my new desktop, running updates, which is something you have to do on Windows systems. Selectively, I’d forgotten that. It’s not a big deal, but I like to force them to run because there’s no way in hell I’m going to let machine tell me when I turn it off.

OS idiosyncrasies aside, the new computer has been a lot of fun and every bit the “project car” I hoped it to be. The problem, however, is that I’m running out of parts to upgrade. I finally got a new graphics card for it, and I’m now using fancy new RGB fans. I’m quickly running out of things to do.

Don’t worry. I’m not weeping for there are not more lands to conquer just yet.

I have a few more things planed for the system before I’m willing to call it 100%. Not least of which is waiting for Windows 11 to finishes all of it’s updates. But again, working on your system is not a bad way to spend a slightly too hot night.