in Reading

We’ve All Got To Start Somewhere

green and white braille typewriter

Want to live a rich and full life? Here’s what you do: get a mason jar. Something big that could be used as a drinking glass. Fill it with bookmarks. The cloth ones you tell yourself you’re totally going to use will get crushed down at the bottom. This is for the best; they rip open book spines because they’re thicker than you think. The paper one’s will stick out pasted the top for easy access.

Your job is to go to the jar every week or so and grab a new bookmark.

That’s it. Everything else will come out of necessity. You’ll get more books to have something to put the marks in. You’ll rotate marks out of the jar as you finish and start books, and you’ll have a cool looking jar on a bookshelf.

Maybe that’s not the only thing you need to do to have a rich and full life, but hey, it’s a start.

Been doing a lot of reading today as my play through of Hades comes to an end. Will write another update in a few days but for now I’m going to hit the books.

